Saturday, February 8, 2025

FREE MISC. LESSON - “2025 March Calendar Template Spring Holidays and Monthly Observances”

by SNAPPY DEN Academy
Kindergarten - 12th Grade

Do you want a FREE March calendar with daily, weekly and monthly holidays and observances you can use in your ELA class? March is the month of rebirth. Just like me, maybe you are also thinking about the ways in which you can get your students engaged and develop their skills in your ELA class every single day. If you are looking to put together an efficient March monthly planner for your middle school ELA class, you are in the right place.

If you are like me, you love to have things planned out for every month in advance. However, life sometimes gets in the way and sometimes I do things at the spur of the moment. Having a pack of fresh ideas right at my finger tips helps me every single time.  

So, even if you are a planner or a last-minuter, I want to share with you some plug and play resources that will make this March memorable for your students.

Stick with me because at the end I have a little surprise for you! Let’s dive into some resources that will make your class simply amazing.

BELL RINGERS (make your students work from the first minute)

✨ March Holiday of the Day Writing Prompts Daily Warmups 

✨ Woman of the Day - Women's History Month Writing Bell Ringers ELA Morning Work

READING (rediscover the pleasure of diving into articles, short stories, poems)

✨ Spring Around the World Escape Room Close Reading Passage Comprehension Activity

✨ March Madness Book Bracket - First Chapter Friday Championship

WRITING (creative activities that your students will adore)

✨ 2 Sentence St Patrick's Day Story Writing

✨ National Reading Month Haiku Poetry Lesson

EMERGENCY SUB PLANS (be ready even if you have to be away from class)

✨ March Emergency Sub Plans Fun ELA Substitute Teacher Activities

✨ Pi Day Activities - Middle School Fun Emergency Sub Plans

SPECIAL HOLIDAYS (use every single opportunity to strengthen ELA skills) 

✨ Women's History Month

✨ Reading Across America Day

✨ St. Patrick's Day

✨ First Day of Spring

✨ Pi Day

✨ Easter

✨ March Madness

BUNDLE OF THE MONTH (huge discount for the entire month)

-50% OFF National Reading Month Activities - Read Across America Day MEGA Bundle

Before we all head towards this next month, I have one last gift for you. Are you ready?

Grab now the FREE ready to print March calendar with daily, weekly and monthly holidays and observances!

I print and use this calendar in my class and my students love to cross off the days as they go by. 

I hope you like the activities that I will use in my class this March . If you plan to use something interesting, hit the question button and tell me what.

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Friday, February 7, 2025

FREE MATH LESSON - “2nd Grade Math Spiral Review Worksheet Warm Ups Morning Work Digital BTS FREE”

by Paula's Primary Classroom
2nd Grade

Perfect for back to school digital morning work or math warm up, this daily math resource will have your second graders engaged in practicing many CCSS math skills! It includes 5 days of math skills practice for BTS, with both printable answer keys AND video mini lessons!

This resource includes 5 pages from Daily Math Second Grade Month 1 DIGITAL FOR GOOGLE CLASSROOM™. It was created with Google Slides™ and is meant to be shared with your students with Google Classroom™ or Google Drive™. When you download, you will be prompted to copy these assessments into your own Google Drive™ folder, which you can then share with students so they can practice and review important math skills.

With this resource your students will:

  • work on addition and subtraction word problems,
  • count by 2, 5 and 10
  • identify 2D shapes,
  • identify numbers represented by base 10 blocks, and tell how many groups of hundreds, tens and ones in those numbers,
  • and and subtract 10 from 3 digit numbers
  • measure with inches and cm.
  • interpret graphs with 4 categories, finding most, least, fewest, how many in a category, and the numerical difference between 2 categories,
  • determine the unknown number in addition and subtraction problems,
  • divide shapes into halves and quarters
  • review telling time to the half hour
  • convert numbers from expanded to standard form
  • identify odd and even numbers
  • count money
  • read and create line plots

Click here to be notified when new resources are released at 50% off!

For more fun learning activities, you may also like:

Thank you for visiting Paula's Primary Classroom!

Have a great day!

♥ Paula

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Thursday, February 6, 2025

FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON - “Medieval China Curriculum Map Lesson Plans Templates Editable Guide FREE Google”

by StudentSavvy
5th - 8th Grade

Medieval China Editable Lesson Planning Template and Editable Curriculum Map in Google Docs and Microsoft Word for a Medieval China Unit (Medieval Times | Middle Ages History Curriculum)

This resource includes:

  • Editable Sample Lesson Plan (Google Docs | Microsoft Word Files)
  • Editable Curriculum Map Pacing Guide for 5 Weeks (Google Docs | Microsoft Word Files)
  • Curriculum Binder, Spines, Page Dividers, and Tabs (Editable PowerPoint and Ready to Print PDF)

Editable Sections in the Lesson Plan Template include lesson Title, Unit Focus, Subject, Dates, Grade Level, Lesson Duration, Content Standards, Learning Objectives, Goals Lesson, Essential Questions, Materials Required, Vocabulary, Modification | Differentiation, Activity Description, and Reflection | Assessment.

Curriculum Map Includes Weekly Goals and a Section for Lesson Standards

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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

FREE MATH LESSON - “*FREE* Swat! Fun Basic Facts Math Warm-Up Game for K-6”

by Peter NZ
Pre-Kindergarten - 4th Grade

Swat! is a fun and versatile math warm-up activity that I've used with ages 5 to 10. You can use it to reinforce a range of concepts from number recognition, to before and afer numbers, and basic facts. The kids absolutely love it and request it time and time again!

This product includes: 16 pages of flies numbered 0 to 31.

To play: Spread the numbered flies over the floor and have your students sit around the edges. Hand 2+ students a fly swat and call out a question (e.g., Find me the number 3; What number comes before 12?; What is 4 + 5?). Students need to find the fly that contains the answer and swat it!

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Copyright © PeTeR NZ

All rights reserved by author.

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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Wednesday Weekly 5 under $5 - February 5, 2025



Every week I put together a list of 5 great products from members of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative (TBOTEMC) with the requirement that each product must be less than $5.  With a variety of subjects and a wide range of grades, there just might be something that you can use, so continue to read below and see!

In addition, if you're a seller on Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) who would like to get more information about joining TBOTEMC, contact me via email at or by simply leaving a comment on this blog post.

Valentine Fraction Riddles: Identifying and Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms - $3.00

by Scipi
4th - 6th grades
Activities, PDF, Printables

Valentine Fractions is not a “drill and kill” fraction activity, but instead is a five-page resource that is a fun and engaging way for students to be involved and focused while identifying and reducing fractions to lowest terms. 

by Urbino12
9th - 12th grades
Activities, Bulletin Board Ideas, Projects

Qu'avez vous dans le cÅ“ur? 
Students will be able to express what is in their hearts using the subjunctive tense. Their heart craftivity will be displayed in the classroom. Includes directions and three different colored templates for student use.  Great activity for Valentine's Day!!

Valentine's Day Multiplication Color by Number Color by Code | TPT - $3.50

by Believe to Achieve by Anne Rozell
2nd - 5th grades
Centers, PDF, Printables, Worksheets

Practicing multiplication facts is so much fun with this set of 11 Valentine's Day Color by Number sheets! This resource will delight your students as they solve the multiplication facts and color the Valentine's Day pictures based on the code! There are 11 sheets covering a different fact set on each page from x2 to x12! Perfect for differentiation!

by All-American Teacher Tools
6th - 12th grades
Activities, PDF

Looking for a Valentine's Day activity for your upper-level students? These medium-ability 9-square sudoku puzzles will fill your class period and maybe two periods with meaningful activities. Each of the 10 puzzles includes a "secret word" that is spelled across, down, and within each smaller square. After they finish the puzzle and find the secret word, the worksheet includes the instruction to create a sentence using the secret word about Valentine's Day. You could even go one step further and ask your students to create a story that either begins or ends with that sentence.

by Charlene Tess
9th - 12th grades
Activities, Printables

Malapropisms and Mixed Metaphors are errors that are frequently found in writing. Students will learn to identify and avoid these verbal blunders through engaging examples and interactive exercises.

As always, I encourage comments and any ideas or suggestions by emailing me at

Renee Heiss

All-American Teacher Tools

Check out my Store 

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Student Personal Thesaurus Handout”

by Shining Scholar Education
5th - 12th Grade

A teacher-made thesaurus for common, overused words (like "good", "bad", "sad", etc.) to keep in their notes and to use when writing to extend their vocabulary. Perfect for language arts teachers! Includes sections for words belonging to each of the five senses (with a picture of each sense) to help students create sensory writing. 2 pages total. Editable Word document.

This lesson is student-centered, meaning:

--it allows you to become a facilitator!

--happier teachers!

--happier students!

--happier administrators!

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Check out these other awesome, related resources!

Engaging and Interesting Journal Writing Prompts for All Students

Rocky Movie Lesson Plan, Viewing Guide/Quiz/Test, and Essay Questions

Short Stories of Love, Hope, and Laughter Volume I (eBook)

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The Summoner’s Tale Reading Comprehension Test Quiz

The Tell-Tale Heart Reading Comprehension Test Quiz and Essay Questions

The Friar’s Tale from The Canterbury Tales Reading Comprehension Test Quiz

The Physician’s Tale from The Canterbury Tales Reading Comprehension Test Quiz

Students as Lawyers: Criminal Trials Lesson

Sharing Student Writing Critique Group Sheet English

Rip Van Winkle Quiz And Key

Fun with Proverbs, Cut-Outs for Students to Put Together

Gift of the Magi Reading Test/Quiz 6th, 7th, 8th Grade

Figurative Language/Grammar/Punctuation Quiz With Answer Key

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Lesson Plan: Poetry Analysis and Creation

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Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes Speckled Band Short Story PowerPoint Review Game Lesson

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Expository Writing Essay Practice English Lesson

Lesson Plan:Poetry, Analysis and Creation Lesson

Reading Quiz Summary

Brainstorming for a Story, Plot Diagrams Worksheets

Bundle of 4 Original Short Stories for Teens w/ Reading Comprehension Questions Lesson

Freedom Writers Movie Film Questions and Project Lesson Plan

The Karate Kid Movie Quiz, Lesson Plan, and Research Project

Frayer Model Vocabulary Worksheet

Heroes that Motivate Students Powerpoint Lesson

Inspirational & motivational eBook "The Little Book of Big Quotes"

Tutoring Sign-in Sheet for Teachers

Student Contact Sheet for Record, Meetings, and Parent Conferences

Student Reflection Sheet for Misbehavior Classroom Management

Simple Weekly Lesson Plan Template

Class Vote Cards for Student Titles (MVP) Most Valuable Pupil, etc.

Attendance & Grades Sheet/Form for Teachers

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