Saturday, June 30, 2018

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Close Read and Annotation Bookmarks: Free!”

by Darlene Anne
3rd - 12th Grade

Close Read and Annotation Bookmarks

When we teach students how to read closely, we empower them to become independent learners, so it is appropriate that the K-12 Anchor Standards begin as follows:

- CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.1 Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

These bookmarks can be printed five per page, back-to-back, and can then be laminated for durability. They can be used until students become accustomed to annotating. 
With practice, students will “dig deeper” into texts, greatly enhancing their comprehension skills!

This product is part of two bigger products; if you like the bookmarks, check these out:
Close Read and Annotation Poster and Bookmark Pack
Close Read: Step by Step Strategies for Success


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Friday, June 29, 2018

FREE SCIENCE LESSON - “Frog Learning Log”

by Kennedy's Korner
2nd - 3rd Grade

This Learning Log is a great way to get your students writing about frogs. PLUS it is such a time saver to integrate your Science unit with your reading and writing. The kids love illustrating and writing so much that you will need to make sure you have enough time for them to record all of their observations. 

Your FROG unit will never be the same!! You will be pleasantly surprised at how much your kiddos really learn during this unit. 

Be sure to check out our FROG Power Point and Interactive Notebook product. 

Thank you for stopping by Kennedy's Korner!

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Thursday, June 28, 2018

FREE SCIENCE LESSON - “Interactive Science Notebook Sample”

by The Science Penguin
3rd - 6th Grade

FREE Interactive Science Notebook Sample from The Science Penguin

This is a free sample of the All in One Interactive Science Notebook for grades 3-6.

This file includes 8 printables from the All in One Interactive Science Notebook:
• Tools Classification Cards
• Data Fold-up
• Solid, Liquid, and Gas Fold-up
• Circuit Cut and Paste
• Slow Changes: Wind, Water, Waves, and Ice Fold-up
• Sedimentary Rocks Fold-up
• Incomplete Metamorphosis Fold-up
• Desert Plant Adaptations Fold-up

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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Super Hero-Themed Reading Task Cards”

by Pitner's Potpourri
1st - 5th Grade

Set of leveled task cards for reader response to literature. Includes blank cards.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

FREE MISC. LESSON - “In Italian please! Posso andare al bagno / a bere classroom sign”

by JoyceAnna D'Alessandro
7th - 12th Grade

Don't let your students leave the room without asking in Italian! Use this sign to help remind them to ask permission to leave the classroom in italiano.

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Monday, June 25, 2018

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “FREE Paired Passage and Questions”

by Ashleigh
3rd - 5th Grade

Paired passages and text dependent questions extend students' reading comprehension and writing skills! This product is now compatible with Google Classroom as well as a traditional PDF document.

Paired passages are playing a larger role than ever in today's elementary classroom. Many state tests now include paired passages through reading and writing assessments. These passages give students essential practice reading two one page passages and answering questions that require students to pull information and text evidence from both passages.

What's Included
-1 set of paired passages 
-1 page of basic comprehension questions for each passage 
-1 page of paired comprehension questions, where students must use both passages to answer the question.
-2 extended response prompts. These prompts will also require students to use both texts to write a paragraph or essay. The prompts are rigorous and will require critical thinking.

Looking for more paired passages? 
Set 1 fiction-fiction
Set 2 nonfiction-nonfiction
Set 3 fiction-nonfiction
Set 4 poetry-fiction
Set 5 poetry-nonfiction
Set 6 opinion-opinion
Paired Passage Bundle

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Sunday, June 24, 2018

FREE MATH LESSON - “FREE Graph and Data Analysis”

by Apple House Learning
1st - 2nd Grade

FREE Graph and Data Analysis

18 More Graphs for ALL Seasons and Holidays can be found in my Graph and Data Analysis Unit.

For the Complete Bundle CLICK HERE

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Saturday, June 23, 2018

FREE SCIENCE LESSON - “How to Survive as a Firefly Response Journal”

by Sparkle in Second
1st - 3rd Grade

This reflection journal is designed to be used in conjunction with the book "How to Survive as a Firefly" by Kristen Foote and illustrated by Erica Salcedo. 

This amazing FREEBIE allows for you to guide your students through the book allowing for complete comprehension. It allows your students to visualize, make connections, explore characters, and more! Students will feel like scientists as they complete this journal during the read aloud! 

This resource has images created by Erica Salcedo are used with permission from The Innovation Press

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Friday, June 22, 2018

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Digital Background Papers - Wave Summer 1 {FREE}”

by Misty Miller
Pre-Kindergarten - 12th Grade

Background Papers - 10 wavy papers for personal or commercial use.

8.5x11 included for each color, 300 ppi, jpg format

Credit is required. TOU is included.

Other Papers and Labels in Different Colors

Other items with this color scheme:
Dots & Solid Papers

Stars & Crumpled Papers

Labels Set 2

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Thursday, June 21, 2018

FREE MATH LESSON - “Summer Excursions Sorting and Graphing Freebies”

by Doodles and Kreations
Pre-Kindergarten - 3rd Grade

Help your students get ready for summer vacation with these two freebies.

1 graph titled "Where would YOU go?"
Graph markers
4 sets of sorting cards
Sorting cards

To make your Excursion Projects please check out our graphic sets:

As per our copyright law, please only use in ONE classroom.
Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.
Doodles and Kreations

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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

FREE MATH LESSON - “Coin Equivalences Freebie!”

by KTP on TPT
Kindergarten - 3rd Grade

A simple cut and paste worksheet for students working on coin equivalences. I use this as a homework assignment.

Be sure to check out my Compare math games and other fun products in my store!

I'd appreciate your feedback!

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Tuesday, June 19, 2018


by Mr and Mrs Brightside
2nd - 7th Grade

This is a 20 question analogies worksheet. It is good for practice, review, or even as a quiz. 

Analogies range in difficulty. It was designed with 4th graders in mind, but can be used with lower grades or even upper grades. Answers may vary.

•Answer key inlcuded !

We appreciate your comments and ratings for this product!!

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Monday, June 18, 2018


by Elementary Creations
Pre-Kindergarten - 12th Grade

These are 6 BW picture frames that you can you as you like. All graphics are saved in a PNG format and have a high resolution. If using my clipart for any projects you are distributing for a fee or for free I do ask that you give credit back to my TPT store. You can add my logo or my TPT store link. Read my terms of use.
I hope you enjoy these cute frames! Don't forget to leave me feedback!
Enjoy!! :)

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Sunday, June 17, 2018

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Spin a Sentence! Free Sample BEACH”

by Jayne Gammons
Kindergarten - 1st Grade

Use these sentences to help your kiddos practice reading and writing sight words while also working on handwriting. A child simply colors a word wheel with colored pencils or thin markers. Next she cuts it out. Use a paper fastener to attach the wheel to the corresponding page of sentence frames. The child then spins, writes, draws and reads. Give these no-prep pages a spin in your writing center!

Give these units a spin!
Spin a Sentence! Holidays and Seasons

Spin a Sentence! Animals

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