Every week I put together a list of 5 great products from members of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative (TBOTEMC) with the requirement that each product must be less than $5. With a variety of subjects and a wide range of grades, there just might be something that you can use, so continue to read below and see!
In addition, if you're a seller on Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) who would like to get more information about joining TBOTEMC, contact me via email at ReneeHeiss@gmail.com or by simply leaving a comment on this blog post.
by Mickey's Place
PreK - K grades
Activities, Games, Centers
Convoy of Color Trucks is a resource to teach color recognition. It is made especially for pre-school children, to keep them actively engaged while practicing learning their colors. Your young learner will sort the color trucks, which have real photos on them onto road map mats. These road map mats come in every color.
- $3.85
by The Teacher Down the Hall
4th - 6th grades
PowerPoint Presentations, Activities, Assessment
Just like animals, plants have structural and behavioral adaptations. Students can take notes on the definitions of each, and then list and diagram in a T-chart several adaptations as either as either structural or behavioral. Great introduction into 'Adaptations of Plants.'
by All-American Teacher Tools
6th - 12th grades
Printables, Task Cards, Centers
I've done all the work for you! Each date has a STEM-related discussion-starter that you can use as an introduction, conclusion, or fill-in when needed. Each day includes what happened on that date, a bit of information for your students, an appropriate image, and a thought-provoking question for discussion. You can even post this as a journal-entry prompt! Each date is connected to further information links for your use, or a student's independent learning.
by Sunshine and Laughter by Deno
1st - 3rd grades
Printables, Games, Task Cards
This hands-on Math product is a great tool for teaching and reviewing missing numbers on a number line from 100-999. This resource can be used in your math centers, stations, or played as a scoot game around the room. This product includes 20 task cards to use in centers, stations, or place around the classroom for your students to "scoot" around to answer.
by Primarily Learning
K - 1st grades
Activities, Centers
Explore these phonological awareness exercises focusing on sorting syllables and aligning with the Science of Reading. Enjoy fun activities like clapping, counting, and segmenting words into 1, 2, 3, or 4 syllables. You can collaborate as a class, in small groups, or as individuals to refine your syllable sorting skills.
As always, I encourage comments and any ideas or suggestions by emailing me at reneeheiss@gmail.com
Renee Heiss
All-American Teacher Tools
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