Monday, September 7, 2020

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Kindness Badges”

by Rainbow City Learning
3rd - 5th Grade

#weholdthesetruths You know the saying: “I teach! What’s your superpower?”. It always makes me think of the superpowers our students have as well. I love using the “panel of experts” approach during independent work time in my classroom. Students who have skill in a particular area (and who are willing to help and support) are identified as experts by sitting at a special table, or by wearing a hat, badge, or other identifier. I thought it might be fun to print a few “superpower” badges to identify these expert helping hands in our learning community. When kids care about and support each other, everyone wins!

This freebie of kindness badges is a great accompaniment to that “panel of experts” approach. Why not work with your students to create kindness as if it’s your job? Your job and their job. Then make it a classroom job! Assign one to four students per day or per week to act as “Kindness Ambassadors”, “The Kindness Crew” or even “Captains of Kindness”. Create a title together for students whose job it will be to spread kindness throughout your school day.

Your Kindness Crew can model kindness all day long: greeting visitors to your room, sitting with a classmate who seems to be struggling with something, just offering a smile wherever needed, including others at
lunch/recess. The kindness will be contagious. After a few rounds, try offering the badges to a few kindness-challenged kids and watch them change before your eyes!

Wishing you a kind and gentle classroom community this year!

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