Monday, December 11, 2023

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “5 Finger Rule Just Right Poster”

by Reading with Mrs D
Pre-Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

New Forever Freebie! Well, actually an update of an older forever freebie housed on my blog.

Just Use this poster as a visual reminder for your students in your reading center of how to tell if the book they have chosen is a Just Right fit for them.

Make sure you review first to open to the middle of the book and start reading.
Make a fist.
Put a finger up each time you get to a word you don't know.

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Copyright © Desiree @ Reading With Mrs. D. All rights reserved. This product is intended for ONE classroom use only. It is not to be shared with colleagues, co-teachers, whole school or school board. It is not to be distributed or shared in any manner or saved online digitally for others to access. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the copyright act. Clipart and fonts in this document are not to be extracted and used outside this file as it violates another authors copyright. This is intended for your OWN PERSONAL use only.

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