Wednesday, February 5, 2025

FREE MATH LESSON - “*FREE* Swat! Fun Basic Facts Math Warm-Up Game for K-6”

by Peter NZ
Pre-Kindergarten - 4th Grade

Swat! is a fun and versatile math warm-up activity that I've used with ages 5 to 10. You can use it to reinforce a range of concepts from number recognition, to before and afer numbers, and basic facts. The kids absolutely love it and request it time and time again!

This product includes: 16 pages of flies numbered 0 to 31.

To play: Spread the numbered flies over the floor and have your students sit around the edges. Hand 2+ students a fly swat and call out a question (e.g., Find me the number 3; What number comes before 12?; What is 4 + 5?). Students need to find the fly that contains the answer and swat it!

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