Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
Free. This will give you an example of the type of open-ended questions you will find in No-Nonsense Teaching read aloud 'Theme' series of resources. The paid 'Theme' series of resources includes enough purposeful talk questions to last 2 - 4 lessons depending on the book.
Quality open-ended comprehension questions take time to develop. No-Nonsense Teaching has done the time-consuming work for you.
The Hueys and the New Jumper by Oliver Jeffers is an entertaining read aloud which asks readers to reflect upon our need as humans to both conform with others and at the same time be an individual.
This resource includes scaffolded questions to help guide children in thinking deeply about the text and understanding the theme or big ideas.
The questions are intended to be used in conjunction with purposeful talk strategies.
These questions are incredibly valuable to:
* include in a school's book room
* use the questions for discussion purposes at PLCs
* Literacy Coaches, Consultants and support teachers
* Administrators to lead PLCs and offer suggestions and book choices
* open-ended comprehension questions that require high-level thinking
* suggested flow of a lesson broken into BEFORE, DURING and AFTER reading
Theme, Big Ideas, Purposeful Talk, Accountable Talk, Comprehension, Read Aloud
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