Friday, November 20, 2020

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Final Consonant Deletion Minimal Pairs: Christmas Theme”

by The SLT Scrapbook
Kindergarten - 4th Grade

This Final Consonant Deletion Freebie contains 3 pages of pairs of final consonant deletion pairs of words (15 in total), to be used in your Speech and Language Therapy sessions however you desire.

Suggested Instructions:
Place a pair of words in front of the child. Tell them what they are called; make sure you emphasize the final consonant. Have the child close their eyes, then hide a small token under one of the images. The child then opens their eyes and you tell them which picture to look under. Keep practising until the child is consistently able to hear the difference between the two words.

Place a pair of words in front of the child. Tell them what they are called, make sure you emphasize the final consonant. Have the child close their eyes, then hide a small token under one of the images. The child then opens their eyes and tells you which picture to look under. Repeat back which picture they told you to look under- if you hear ‘bow’, but you know they meant ‘boat’, you must turn over the ‘bow’ picture, because that’s what you heard. You could repeat the target word again, with a prompt for them to use that sound at the end of the word. Continue practising until they are able to use final consonants with no support.

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