Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Wednesday Weekly 5 under $5 - April 10, 2024


Every week I put together a list of 5 great products from members of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative (TBOTEMC) with the requirement that each product must be less than $5.  With a variety of subjects and a wide range of grades, there just might be something that you can use, so continue to read below and see!

In addition, if you're a seller on Teachers Pay Teachers (TpT) who would like to get more information about joining TBOTEMC, contact me via email at or by simply leaving a comment on this blog post.

Earth Day Foldable Book | Digital & Printable Writing Activity - $2.75

by Two Little Birds
2nd - 4th grades

Students will create a cute Earth Day book by simply folding!  Writing topics include my Earth Day promise, I pledge to do better, let's recycle, I can reuse, reduce what we use, and let's work together.

Earth Day Games and Activities for 4th - 8th grades - $3.75

by All-American Teacher Tools
4th - 8th grades
Activities, Games

Spring your students into Earth Day with these fun, yet educational, games, activities, and writing assignments. Keep them busily learning from one day to all week long! Using the vocabulary list shown in the preview, your students will: 1. Play bingo games (30 different game boards), including an EASEL bingo with moveable earth markers! 2. Play a vocabulary relay game, 3. Participate in an Earth Day spelling bee, 4. Play Earth Day password, 5. Draw an Earth Day picture, and 6. Write an Earth Day story. 

by Urbino12
PreK - 4th grades
Activities, Printables

This resource is suitable for teaching ENL/Special Ed. or mainstream children about the Jewish Holiday of Passover.  Students can: trace and color the vocabulary word being depicted, color nineteen beautifully illustrated Passover foods and activities, complete the statement: On Passover we...
Please note: This resource depicts some religious images.
Set of 19 Passover themed coloring pages in English. Students will be able to complete the statement: On Passover we ... for each page using various holiday foods and activities.
Phrases to be traced and pictures depicted are: : set the table, have a Seder, ask four questions, read the Haggadah, hide the afikomen, find the afikomen, eat matzoh, eat matzoh ball soup, drink grape juice, drink water, see charoset, see parsley, see the Seder plate etc...

Simple Steps to Write a Persuasive Essay | Print | Google™| Easel™ - $4.00

by Charlene Tess
9th - 12th grades
Handouts, Printables

Learning to write a persuasive essay is a skill all writers should perfect. The chances are good that at one time or another, an adult will find it necessary to express their opinion on some important matter and provide convincing reasons and fully elaborate those reasons to make a point. This lesson provides a set of simple steps to follow so that writing a persuasive essay becomes an easy and manageable task for writers.

by Primarily Learning
K - 1st grades
Homeschool Curricula, Activities, Printables

Spring I Have, Who Has Games offers children a chance to identify and name spring-related items and activities. These games provide excellent opportunities for vocabulary building as kids engage in the joyful season, enhancing their language skills. They are ideal for enriching springtime learning experiences.

As always, I encourage comments and any ideas or suggestions by emailing me at

Renee Heiss

All-American Teacher Tools

Check out my Store 

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