Kindergarten - 6th Grade
This Easter themed freebie contains 4 no prep, black & white worksheets to help students practise their /l/ sounds and /l/ blends in single words. /l/ sounds are in word initial, medial and final positions, /l/ blends are in word initial position. There are 15 words per sound/position.
If you’ve liked this freebie, then why not check out our Easter Speech Sounds Worksheets Pack which addresses /k, g, t, d, f, s, sh/, in word initial, medial and final positions!
Print the desired number of copies of each worksheet.
Students then choose any word at random from their worksheet; they say the word 5 times (or any number of times you choose- you could roll a die to decide!) then they can color the word in- either using a bingo dauber or crayons.
As an extension, students could be tasked to put the word into a sentence, e.g. “I got an umbrella from the Easter bunny”.
When they have finished all of the words, they can then color in the picture in the middle.
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