1st - 3rd Grade
I created what I hope to be a fun but helpful resource for your students in Grades 1-3. In return, I ask that you please take time to rate and leave feedback to let others know how the activity worked for you and your students. I appreciate your time and effort!
In Grades 1-3, students are expected to be able to build their own bar graph with 3-5 categories. This resource will guide the students through the process of developing a survey question, collecting the survey data, and then creating the bar graph to display the results based on a scale that they choose. Once the graph is created, the activity extends on the interpretation of the data by having the student develop 5 questions which can be answered based on the graph. Each student creates an answer key and then the graphs can be used to share among classmates.
Grades 1-3 Measurement and Data: Represent and Interpret Data
Represent and interpret data.
CCSS.Math.Content.1.MD.C.4 Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories; ask and answer questions about the total number of data points, how many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another.
CCSS.Math.Content.2.MD.D.10 Draw a picture graph and a bar graph (with single-unit scale) to represent a data set with up to four categories. Solve simple put-together, take-apart, and compare problems1 using information presented in a bar graph.
CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.B.3 Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs. For example, draw a bar graph in which each square in the bar graph might represent 5 pets.
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This lesson is very helpful for math related students and through this, they can improve their knowledge about their relevant field and they can get high grades. Students should read positive content that is beneficial for them and they can get positive results. Coursework writing service.