2nd - 5th Grade
Athena- Myths- print and go packet can be used at school or home.
In this pack you will learn about Athena myth and characters through the worksheets included in this 25-page pack.
Children can:
Identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
What happened first, second, and third?
Draw and write worksheets about:
The story.
Retell the story using the story prompt headbands.
Use a cootie Catcher game for comprehension.
Retell the story including key details.
Tree, brace, and bubble thinking maps are included to help children link the parts of the story together.
Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting or events.
Write and illustrate: Who? Where? What? How?
Write about character traits.
KWL chart (What you know. What you want to know. What you have learned).
Describe the plot of the story.
Retell familiar stories, including key details using a headband.
Engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding
Download Athena Pack free here:
Athena- Free
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Myths Bundle
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