by Debbie Bryant
1st - 2nd Grade
Do you want a strong, year-long phonics component to your Common Core English and Language Arts program? Are you interested in a program that's developmentally leveled to meet all your student's needs - even as they change throughout the year?
This is a free Sampler taken from my Common Core Leveled Spelling Program. The full program is a year-long, weekly program which includes ready-to-use weekly student pages for 3 developmental levels, embedded high frequency words, homework connections and components for individualization.
In this Sampler you will get my overview of the program, a correlation chart for all 1st and 2nd grade Common Core ELA Phonics and Word Recognition Standards to each weekly list and a complete inventory of all skills and high frequency words in the program. Also included are 3 sample weekly lists, and one each of the Individualization Component and List Page for Games and Practice.
Please look over this free sampler. There are even more free previews on the thumbnails for the full program. I have used this program very successfully with my students and hope it is just what you are looking for!
RF.2 and RF.1 CCSS Standards in the year long program include: RF.1.3, RF.1.3a, RF.1.3b, RF.1.3c, RF.1.3d, RF.1.3e, RF.2.3, RF.2.3a, RF.2.3b, RF.2.3c, RF.2.3d, RF.2.3e, RF.2.3f
The Common Core Standards were developed and written by the NGA.
© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.
Created by Debbie Bryant
This is a free Sampler taken from my Common Core Leveled Spelling Program. The full program is a year-long, weekly program which includes ready-to-use weekly student pages for 3 developmental levels, embedded high frequency words, homework connections and components for individualization.
In this Sampler you will get my overview of the program, a correlation chart for all 1st and 2nd grade Common Core ELA Phonics and Word Recognition Standards to each weekly list and a complete inventory of all skills and high frequency words in the program. Also included are 3 sample weekly lists, and one each of the Individualization Component and List Page for Games and Practice.
Please look over this free sampler. There are even more free previews on the thumbnails for the full program. I have used this program very successfully with my students and hope it is just what you are looking for!
RF.2 and RF.1 CCSS Standards in the year long program include: RF.1.3, RF.1.3a, RF.1.3b, RF.1.3c, RF.1.3d, RF.1.3e, RF.2.3, RF.2.3a, RF.2.3b, RF.2.3c, RF.2.3d, RF.2.3e, RF.2.3f
The Common Core Standards were developed and written by the NGA.
© Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.
Created by Debbie Bryant
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