Friday, January 19, 2024

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “FREE Summarizing Informational Text - Anchor Charts Printables Activities”

by Kristine Nannini
3rd - 6th Grade

FREE Summarizing Informational Text Printables (Anchor Chart/Poster and Graphic Organizers)

Summarizing is such an important skill. When your readers become proficient at summarizing, you will see improvements in their reading comprehension and knowledge retention across all subjects. Summarizing important ideas in a text and ignoring irrelevant ones will allow your students to make connections and integrate information very efficiently. Additionally, they will improve their memory for what is read because they are able to discard all the wasteful clutter of irrelevant details.

Included in this free resource:

-Summarizing Informational Text Printable Poster or Anchor Chart

-TAAMIO Summarizing Strategy Graphic Organizer

-Paraphrasing Graphic Organizer


**A digital version is also included for use with Google Classroom.**

With the digital version, you have the option to go 100% paperless.


These resources compliment my informative blog post at Young Teacher Love Blog.

Click HERE to read my blog post on Summarizing Informational Text.

Click ★HERE★ to follow my store and be notified when new products are uploaded.

All new resources are on sale for the first 24-48 hours!

★ Please note: If you are having difficulty with this file, please visit the FAQs sectionsubmit a help ticket, or ask me a question on the Q&A tab before leaving feedback.

Thank you, and enjoy!

Copyright© 2018 Kristine Nannini

All rights reserved by author.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. Not for public display.

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