Saturday, October 5, 2024

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Pumpkin Poem and Book”

by Growing Smart Readers
Pre-Kindergarten - 1st Grade

mpkin Poem and Book: "I'm a Little Pumpkin!" is a variation or version of a familiar Halloween poem, and is a "just right" poem for kindergartners and first graders during the fall season. Reading this poem and doing the actions with the lines makes it a great activity for developing fluency and confidence. The last part says, "Now, don't be scared on Halloween night!"

There are 3 ways to have fun with this poem:
1. Read it as a choral reading in a group, or take turns. Assign a line per child.
2. Illustrate the lines of the poem in a little 7 page half-sized book. Two half pages to a slide makes it easy to print and cut.
3. Make a bigger book to illustrate and rewrite the poem for handwriting practice and as a strategy for learning the words.

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