Tired of searching
Google Images for free addition worksheets that are worth what you
pay for them? Do you find those yearly subscription services are
overpriced? “Infinite Worksheets: Addition” is the solution for you!
This PC/Mac compatible software gives you access to 159 unique
addition worksheets: Speed Drills (10), Computation (33), Picture
Addition (24), In/Out Boxes (12), US & Canada Currency (10), Telling
Time (18), Fractions (4), Skip Counting (20), Inequalities (14) and
Decimals & Money (14).
Do you have students that need additional help? Do you need multiple
versions of the same worksheet to measure progress over time? Every
time you select a worksheet all the examples change! Use the “Key”
button to toggle between the worksheet and the answer sheet. Both
can either be printed or saved as a JPEG file. Ideal for those who
want to keep digital copies of their worksheets! TPT sellers are
free to add created materials to their products without
See how easily worksheets can be created by watching the following
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