Scrambled Sentences (May)
This product is NOW AVAILABLE in a Scrambled Sentences Bundle. Purchasing the Bundle provides an 11% SAVINGS rather than purchasing each individual pack.
Great for morning work, homework, or center time. This May pack includes 54 pages. There are 27 May related pictures for students to unscramble the sentence at the bottom of each page by cutting the words out and gluing in the correct order to tell about the picture. There are 2 pages of each picture making the pack 54 pages. The first page with each picture has the “unscramble the sentence” activity and then students are to TRACE the sentence that matches the unscrambled sentence in the box. The second page with each picture has the “unscramble the sentence” activity, but then there is a blank box for students to WRITE the unscrambled sentence on their own (no tracing like the first page for each picture).
A black and white picture is included at the top of each page for students to color. This activity requires students to find the word with the capital letter to place first in the sentence and to find the last word by looking for the ending punctuation. Then students have to arrange the rest of the words in order to make sense and to match the picture at the top. A variety of sentence types and word choices are included to provide for differentiation.
Higher students could also turn to the back of their paper and add more sentences to create a story about the picture.
All of the graphics relate to insects and plants (planting).
The PREVEIW shows every page included.
The 27 sentences included are:
The ants walk in a line.
Bees can sting you!
The butterfly is pretty!
The caterpillar is eating.
The dragonfly is fast!
I see a firefly.
The fly flew away.
The grasshopper is green.
Do you see the ladybugs?
Do you like spiders?
The moth likes the light.
This is a praying mantis.
We will plant the seeds.
She likes the flowers.
This is my garden bag.
The butterfly likes the flowers.
My gloves are blue.
The plant is growing.
The girl is planting flowers.
I see a caterpillar.
We have some pink flowers.
Where is the watering can?
They have a wheelbarrow.
Here are garden tools.
We plant seeds in the dirt.
It is a pretty day.
We can pick flowers.
I hope your students have fun with these scrambled sentences!
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Please visit me at:
Sherry Clements
scrambled sentences
sentence order
mixed up sentences
sentence scramble
Fix it up
sentence order
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