Thursday, May 14, 2015

Word Wall Brick Factory

Word Wall Brick Factory is software which allows teachers and students to create decorative bricks for word walls. Give your bulletin boards a professional look by choosing from 32 brick types, 10 fonts and 16 font colors. Visit the computer lab and let your students create bricks displaying hard to spell words and subject matter vocabulary. Completed brick pages can either be printed or saved as jpeg images to be inserted into digital content. No copyright limitations! (PC & Mac)

Get Motivated!  (Creating Motivational Posters)

Walls are dominated by an egg shell white. Bulletin boards are adorned with posters and borders filled with tack holes. It’s open house and you have the drabbest room in the wing. What do you do? “Get Motivated!” teaches you how to use an online utility that allows you to create bulletin boards, display class rules, and decorate walls. An easy to understand user guide complete with screenshots makes it easy for students to create binder covers, PowerPoint slides, and colorful report pages.
What this did was show me a bunch of really cool resources for making projects and graphics! What I wanted originally was a customized motivational poster. But when I found his site what I actually did was make a magazine cover.

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