Thursday, April 7, 2022

FREE MATH LESSON - “FREEBIE Properties of a Circle Flippable (Foldable) and Exit Ticket”

by Smith Curriculum and Consulting
4th - 7th Grade

This "Pac-Man" style flippable is a perfect visual example of the various components of a circle that students can keep in their Interactive Notebooks as a visual reference when working to determine the radius, diameter, chord and arcs of a circle. There is also a place to take notes of the formulas for circumference and area of a circle.

This Flippable is perfect to be used as a mini lesson in an Interactive Notebook. Once completed it can be followed up with the included Properties of a Circle Exit Ticket where students will apply the knowledge they have learned about relationships to distinguish between a diameter and radius as a chord.

An example on how this is used is also included in the download for your reference.

Click here to visit my teaching blog, 4mulaFun

Please email me here with any questions or comments.

Personal Copyright: The purchase of this product allows you to use these activities in your personal classroom for your students. You may continue to use them each year but you may not share the activities with other teachers unless additional licenses are purchased. Please contact me via email for additional licenses. District Licenses are also available.

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