Saturday, April 9, 2022

FREE MISC. LESSON - “Explaining What It Means to be a Refugee: War in Ukraine”

by Whimsy in School Counseling
7th - 12th Grade

Across the globe, many youth will be welcoming Ukrainian students into their classrooms over the coming weeks and months. This download provides a scaffold to explain what it means to be a refugee, including addressing language barrier, working to create empathy for our students who are refugees, and answering common questions middle and high school level students may have about what it means to be a refugee.

Social/emotional freebies to support the young folk in our lives during the War in Ukraine:

My Sunflower Bravery Coloring Page

When Became Refugee: Trauma Informed Storybook (grades 2-12)

My New Friend is a Refugee: A Social Story (grades K-3)

My New Friend is Refugee: Social Story (grades 4-6)

Explaining What it Means to be Refugee (grades 7-12)

Being Good Friend to Someone Who is Refugee (grades 9-12)

Pro Tips for Parents: Answering Questions About War

Explaining War to Older Teens (grades 9-12)

Explaining War to Younger Teens (grades 6-8)

Explaining War to Older Children (grades 3-5)

Explaining War to Younger Children (grades k-2)


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