by Whimsy in School Counseling
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
Do the little ones in your life have questions about war, even though you've tried to keep them sheltered from the news? Big topics like war can feel difficult to address because we don't have a social script for it, we don't know how to get started even if we want to provide a safe space for processing. This download provides structure for individual or group conversation about the current war. It includes a developmentally appropriate explanation of war with an emphasis on the student(s)/child(rens) continued safety and security.
Social/emotional freebies to support the young folk in our lives during the War in Ukraine:
•My Sunflower Bravery Coloring Page
•When I Became A Refugee: A Trauma Informed Storybook (grades 2-12)
•My New Friend is a Refugee: A Social Story (grades K-3)
•My New Friend is a Refugee: A Social Story (grades 4-6)
•Explaining What it Means to be a Refugee (grades 7-12)
•Being a Good Friend to Someone Who is a Refugee (grades 9-12)
•Pro Tips for Parents: Answering Questions About War
•Explaining War to Older Teens (grades 9-12)
•Explaining War to Younger Teens (grades 6-8)
•Explaining War to Older Children (grades 3-5)
•Explaining War to Younger Children (grades k-2)
Thank you to Indigenous Speechie for the adorable clipart on the cover of this listing!
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