by Teacher's Palette
3rd - 6th Grade
This is a free sample of a Memory Book that is designed to make a treasured keepsake for families to look back on in years to come. What makes this Memory Book different is that each of the writing topics comes with a partially drawn scene for students to complete. These unfinished scenes are a great springboard to get students excited about writing—and coloring!
This sample includes: 1) My Favorite Field Trip; 2) Ways That My Principal Helps Our School; and 3) Favorite Science Lesson/Project. In the full version, there are 30 different topics for students to write about, so it works well to give students one or two pages per day as a countdown to the end of the school year. (That way, they will have something to keep their writing skills sharp even during those crazy last few days of school)! Once complete, students will have a “snapshot” of all of the things and people that they appreciated during the 2021-22 school year. Before giving the finished keepsake book to parents, you might want to take a photo of some of the pages in which your students honored a special school staff member (see below) to give them as end-of-the-year gifts!
The Full Version Can Be Found Here: End of the Year Memory Book by Teacher’s Palette
The Topics In The Full Version Are:
1) A Snapshot of ME (Includes interests in books, pets, toys, music, fads, after-school activities, etc.)
2) Things I Like About My Teacher
3) Things I like About My Classroom
4) Why My Principal is Great
5) What I liked Most In Math This Year
6) What I liked Most In Science This Year
7) The Person That I Most Liked Learning About In Social Studies This Year
8) What I Most Liked To Read
9) My Favorite Topic to Write About
10) My Favorite Art Project
11) A Memorable Day in Music Class
12) My Favorite Activity In Physical Education (P.E.)
13) My Favorite Project Using Technology
14) Someone At Home Who Helped Me Do Better In School This Year
15) Close Classmates & Best Buddies
16) My Favorite Field Trip
17) I Am Thankful For All of the Grownups Who Worked at Our School This Year
18) Memorable Moments at Lunchtime
19) Something That My Friends and I Like to Pretend
20) The Funniest Moment
21) A Major World Event That Happened During this School Year
22) A Day That Things Were Different Because of the Weather
23) My Favorite Movie That Came Out During this School Year
24) A Fantastic Nighttime Event at School
25) An Awfully Sad Day
26) A Wonderfully Happy Day
27) High-Fives & Compliments From My Classmates (Students pass a sheet around that already has starter sentences)
28) Something That Was Hard At First But Now Is Easy
29) My Summer Plans
30) My Future Plans
PLUS—Two Pages for Autographs, as well as Front & Back Covers that have patterned borders for coloring
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