Friday, September 29, 2023

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Diary of a Worm Genre Poster and Review”

by SchoolBoxTreasures
3rd - 5th Grade

This is a fun activity to help students distinguish between fiction and nonfiction. Using the book Diary of a Worm, students will work in groups to find all fictional and facts found using graphic organizers. (The lesson is described in the .pdf)

Then students will create a poster showing the following:
1. Description of fiction and nonfiction
2. Facts and Fictional Elements Found!
3. Researched Questions and Answers inspired by the book
4. Clues a text is fiction or nonfiction
5. Strategies when reading fiction or nonfiction

I used this activity in my classroom after having them do double column notes on the differences and elements of fiction and nonfiction as well as a prezi on fact and fiction.

This activity makes a fun and engaging end of unit assessment.

I hope you enjoy! If so, please leave feedback! :)

Keywords: reading, strategies, genre, fiction, nonfiction, research, diary of a worm, truthme, schoolboxtreasures

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