By: Laurie
Fyke @ Primarily Learning
Preschool –

Phonics fun! Use these Giant Letter Flashcards, to identify, match, or sort letters and sounds! Create words for reading... or as the
students hold the cards, segment words for spelling practice!
I found my students really enjoyed these
cards as they explored sounds, and created words on their own! What a wonderful word work resource for
teachers using Jolly Phonics, Reading Specialists, Title 1 Teachers, Special
Education Teachers, Classroom Teachers and Parents.
Some Activity Ideas
Introduce the
letter(s) as the sound is introduced.
Hand out the
letters of sounds you have taught and say, “If you have the /s/ hold it high!”
Hand out the
letters of sounds you have taught and say, “If you have one of the sounds for
jump…/j-u-m-p/ come to the front.” Talk
about putting the sounds in the order they are sounded to make the word. Ask the class to help you keep saying
/j-u-m-p/. After the sounds are in order
stand at the left side and crank your arms in a circle to make a “sound
machine”. As the hands crank the sounds
get closer together and… /j-u-m-p/ becomes jump! (Hand out enough cards so that
each student has a turn making a word.)
Use a clothesline
and pegs to make words.
Make a line in
front of your favorite letter. Tell why
you like this letter. Graph how many
people liked each letter.
Sort the
letters. Explain your sorting rules.
Say the letter
sound. Reference the letter(s) to record
(print) the sound. Check your work.
Have a great day!
Laurie @
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