by Abc123is4me
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Schedule Cards: This download includes primary level schedule cards. There are two options for showing time. You can show digital time or analog time.
These are not editable, so please see what's included in this FREEBIE below to make sure this download it for you!
*** If you'd like to purchase the editable version of this, you can find it here:
Schedule Cards- Editable
* Daily Schedule (Header)
* Art
* Assembly
* Bathroom Break
* Calendar
* Centers
* Computers
* Dismissal
* Guided Reading
* Centers & Guided Reading
* Journal
* Library
* Lunch
* Math Centers
* Math
* Morning Work
* Music
* Physical Education
* Phonics
* Read Aloud
* Recess
* Science
* Snack
* Social Studies
* Word Work
* Writing
* Writer's Workshop
* Shared Writing
* Interactive Writing
* Read to Self
* Read-Aloud
* Shared Reading
* Balanced Literacy
* Daily 5
* Guidance
* Buddy Reading
* Morning Meeting
* Agenda
* nap time
* chapel
* AR
* English Language Development
* Spanish
* World Language
* Religion
* Mass
* Learning Commons
* Field Trip
* Special Activity
* French
* Language Arts
* Pack up
* Bus Dismissal
* Car Dismissal
* Science or Social Studies (together)
* istation
*Focus Time
* Enrichment
* Reading Workshop
* Reading
* Specials
* Spelling & Grammar
* W.I.N.
* Word Study
* Bathroom/Snack Break & Read Aloud
* Intervention
Catherine @ Abc123is4me
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