Wednesday, September 7, 2022

FREE MATH LESSON - “FREE Multiplication Madness 50 pages”

by Down Under Teacher
2nd - 3rd Grade

This file is a collection of activities and centers/centres to assist in developing the multiplication concept and learning the 2s, 5s and 10s times table facts.

8 activities are included:

1. Frog-tastic Groups - students make equal groups using frogs and lily pads.

2. Making Equal Groups (in color/colour and black and white) - students choose a card and make the groups with counters. Students draw and record the groups on the recording sheet.

3. Spin a Group - students spin the spinners, make the groups with manipulatives and record.

4. Spin an Array - students spin the spinners, make the array with manipulatives and record.

5. Repeated addition (in color/colour and black and white) - students match the repeated addition with the multiplication sentence.

6. Mitt Multiplication - match the glove (with multiplication sentence) with the ball (product).

7. Multiplication Madness - match the Mad Hatters Hat with the tea pot.

8. Magical Multiplication - match the crown with the glass slipper.

All recording sheets are included.

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Copyright 2012, Down Under Teacher. For single classroom use only. Please do not redistribute, edit, sell, or post this item or any part thereof on the Internet (even a personal/classroom website), although you are welcome to provide others with this TpT link so they can download the product for themselves.

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