by Susan Berkowitz
Kindergarten - 12th Grade
If you are supporting or or providing intervention to an augmentative alternative communication user, knowing the important steps in creating a useful system and a competent communicator is key.
Core words are the words we use the most to generate messages. By giving students access to core words, we allow them to say a lot with a little vocabulary.
Check out my other free videos, with handouts, as well as my other free AAC handouts.
This is the 3rd in a series of AAC from A to Z videos.
• First was A is for Aided Language Stimulation.
• Second was P is for Planning.
• Fourth is F is for Function.
You can find them HERE and HERE and HERE
Check out my AAC resources, which are based on Best Practices and Evidence Based Research.
You can find all of my AAC resources by going to this section of my store: AAC Materials
There are both free and paid resources to help you master implementation of AAC.
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