Tuesday, January 28, 2025

FREE MATH LESSON - “Understanding Place Value - Playlist and Teaching Notes”

by Wisewire
4th Grade

Students explore standard 4.NBT.A.1 with this playlist. They will work to understand the relationship between a digit’s position in a number and its value. Students will compare the values of digits in different places. They will multiply and divide numbers by powers of 10 and explain the result. Students also have the option to view instructional videos and complete practice quizzes or activities.

This product includes:

• 4 links to instructional videos or texts

• 3 links to practice quizzes or activities

• Definitions of key terms, such as place value

• Visual examples of how to use place-value charts and base-ten blocks to understand place value

• An accompanying Teaching Notes file

The Teaching Notes file includes:

• A review of key terminology

• Links to additional practice quizzes or activities

• Links to video tutorials for students struggling with certain parts of the standard, such as having difficulty representing numbers with place-value charts or base-ten blocks

Need more resources?

Reading, Writing, & Comparing Numbers - Playlist and Teaching Notes

Rounding Numbers - Playlist and Teaching Notes (FREE)

Adding & Subtracting Multi-Digit Numbers - Playlist and Teaching Notes


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