by Green Grubs
Pre-Kindergarten - 12th Grade
It’s gumboot time!
“If it weren’t for your gumboots, where would you be….?”
- Are you whipping up some flyers or resources to support the kaupapa around *Gumboot Friday? Then this FREE clip art set might be just what you need!
- *Gumboot Friday is a funding raising initiative by New Zealand's 'I Am Hope' charity, which raises funds for free mental health support for all young kiwis
- This resource is NO COST in support of Gumboot Friday and their amazing initiatives which are much needed here in Aotearoa.
- This set contains 24 images (23 colour and 1 blackline) as high quality PNGs with transparent backgrounds, saved in a zipfile – enjoy
#gumbootupnz #rainboots #wellingtonboots #wellies #galoshes
- Looking for more gumboot resources? Click here to check out this free activity set!
- Looking for other mental health and well being resources? Click here!
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