Friday, August 30, 2019

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Listening Comprehension: Mind Movies”

by The Teacher Treasury
3rd - 5th Grade

Materials Needed: 
1 Picture Book for Read Aloud
1 Reading passage or short story without images (per student for homework)

There are 2 versions of each worksheet, 1 for Read Alouds and the other for Independent Reading without picture books. 

This was a mini lesson I did with my 4th grade special education students after our morning read aloud and before our morning reading lesson. 

The students sat with me on the rug and I let them know ahead of time that Mind Movies are like watching a movie on your head. I made sure they understood and during our read alouds, even when I don't show them the pictures, they should still be imagining exactly what's happening in the story. 

I encouraged students to close their eyes while they listened to the story. Afterwards, they were instructed to return to their desks (with their worksheets, pencils and crayons already in place) to complete the worksheet with a drawing of a scene from the story.

Once finished, they were instructed to return to the rug to share their drawings. Other students were asked to guess which scene from the story their classmate presented. Presenter should also be able to describe the scenes leading up to and after the event in their drawing. We also compared the drawings to the actual pictures in the picture book from the Read Aloud (I didn't let them see the pictures during the reading)

For homework, they were given a reading passage without pictures and asked to complete the other Mind Movie handout. 

Hope this helps =) 

Listening Comprehension: Mind Movies by Felisa Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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