Saturday, August 13, 2022

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON - “Phonics Word Wall: Long A”

by Ms Joanne
1st - 2nd Grade

Help your students with their reading and spelling with these 7 pages illustrating 33 Long A words from the a__e, ai and ay spelling patterns

This product is a sample from a much larger, more complete Phonics Word Wall:

Complete Phonics Word Wall Contains over 1200 words organized by word families and spelling patterns.


If you don't need all that, the Phonics Word Wall is also available in

3 Separate Phonics Word Walls(short vowels, blends, long and R-controlled vowels).

(DO NOT purchase any the following if you purchased the complete word wall linked above as you already have them.)

Short Vowels and Consonants Word Wall The first part of the Complete Phonics Word Wall. 40 word families, 500 words

Blends Word Wall The second part of the Complete Phonics Word Wall. 39 spelling patterns, 292 words

Long and R-controlled Vowels Word Wall The third part of the Complete Phonics Word Wall. 34 spelling patterns, 295 words

Other Resources you may be interested in:

Grade 1 Phonics Based Spelling Program

Phonics Spinner Games

Adjective Word Wall

Verbs Word Wall

Noun Word Wall

Prefixes and Suffixes Word Wall

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