by Aspire to Inspire Classroom Resources
4th - 8th Grade
**UPDATED APRIL 2018** If you have downloaded this freebie, please download the most recent version for updates!
Looking for entertaining and challenging language review activities for your students? They'll love Grammargories! Inspired by the game Scattergories, students try to beat the clock as they complete parts of speech-related lists with themed answers that must begin with the same letter. Grammargories covers all eight parts of speech (noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, conjunction, interjection, and preposition). Students can do this review activity in a large group or individually!
Build your grammar and vocabulary resource library! This FREEBIE is a sample from the Grammargories and Vocabugories Bundle also available in my store. The bundle includes 24 Grammargories lists with basic and advanced options as well as 8 Vocabugories lists that cover synonyms, antonyms, homophones, figurative language and more.
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