by Smita Keisser
Pre-Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
Digital Word Sticker Animated Freebie
1 Animated Clip Art for Screen only.
This is a GIF Animated file with the word *Neat* with transparent background.
Try it, you will love it. It moves, It glows, It pops.
Use on Boom Cards, Google.
Thank you for your interest in my Designs.
Digital/Web Clip Art are for Paperless Resources Only.
Not for printing.
Specialty Terms of Use: Personal and Commercial Use Yes.
· No text overlay required.
· No pattern fill required.
· Yes, Credit required on a slide or somewhere on your digital resource.
**I have other Animated Products in my Shop**
Any ideas of clip art you would like to see please let me know in the comments section of TPT.
Would love to know how you have used any of my Clip Art Designs in the comments section of TPT.
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Happy Teaching! Happy Feedback!
©Smita Keisser
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