The Power
Role of Supporting Characters
Historical Time Period
Events from History
The BIG Idea
Main Character Discussion
Unheard Voices
Point of View
Group Relationships
Characters and the World
The idea is that the teacher models these skills using the class read-aloud and then students practice the skills through a paired reading text or independently using their independent reading books. Students can select the best 5 or 6 skills that suit their books. Pages are created for note taking and spaces for students to record their thinking. Students would be expected to work through the unit towards the creation of the final project - a presentation of their novel in a talk show type setting - this additional resource is also provided. This is NOT a book report unit. Citing evidence is a key component of CCSS. This units forces students to cite evidence from their stories and go further by interpreting this evidence in preparation for their final class presentations. This is perfect for getting students to truly think 'deeper' about the historical fiction genre. Advanced 4th grade readers could easily use this unit too. As the reading skills are generic, they are applicable across the 5th-8th grade age range as the complexity of the novels students use should create natural differentiation. This unit is a must for any study of historical fiction. GET IT HERE
Historical Fiction Video Preview
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