Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Language Arts Lesson - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - "What's Your Life's Blueprint?"

by Danielle Hall 
grades 6-9

Be a bush if you can't be a tree.
 If you can't be a highway, just be a trail. 
If you can't be a sun, be a star.
 For it isn't by size that you win or fail. 
Be the best of whatever you are.

Are you still looking for an MLK lesson? Do you want to move beyond "I Have a Dream"? Here's a fresh idea for you.

This packet contains all of the necessary materials for an introspective study of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous “Street Sweeper” speech, “What is Your Life’s Blueprint?” This inspirational speech was delivered at Barratt Junior High School in Philadelphia on October 26, 1967, six months before King was assassinated. In it, King calls students to think about what they want from their lives, and how they can be their very best selves.

This packet contains:

*Reflective journal prompts/discussion questions for before and after the speech
*Comprehension questions (and answer key) for a short study of the speech 
--> practice CC-aligned close reading
*Instructions & Rubric for a mini-project 
--> students choose from four choices (Inspirational Poster, Mural, Timeline, Creative Journal Entry)
*Editable rubrics 
--> set your own weights!

(grades 6-9)

I know your students will love this speech as much as mine do!

Hope to hear from you soon,
Danielle @ nouvelle

TpT: nouvelle
Pinterest: nouvelletpt

1 comment:

  1. The words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. What is Your Life's Blueprint? Language Arts lesson invites pupils to set objectives and work toward success. I am not sure if using the education assignment help online that I found is a smart choice. I am not sure if using the education assignment help online that I found is a smart choice. Has anyone here tried such services? Do they actually provide quality work, or is it better to do everything by myself? I want to make sure my assignments are done properly without any issues. If anyone has any recommendations or personal experiences, please share! It would really help me figure out the best way to handle my workload.
